Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Goodbye November

I must say November whisked by without even a chance to come up for air!
My FALL decorating consisted of spreading around leaves that my dear friends rescued for me from the mountains of NC!
There has been plenty of papercrafting going on - pictures will follow this post - I have added 'new camera battery' to my wishlist as the two current failing ones slow down the process of taking & adding photos. I have been in rescue mode of my pictures this month. My 'mini vault' for storage off the computer is giving up and I am patiently trying to move the zillion photos from it before it refuses to allow access again!!

TOMORROW Starts a new month - We welcome you DECEMBER! Even being a busy time of year - the delight of friends, family, tradition, love, and the gift of a Savior are things to be cherished!

Comment below a favorite tradition for the Christmas season??